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All the prices below are fully inclusive of Training, VAT, Lantra or NPTC registration and Test fees.


We will take care of your Lantra or NPTC registration, assessor booking and any kit requirements prior to you attending the course. 

This means we can usually have your assessment organised for the end of your training.


* Cancellation policy.

Courses cancelled within 1 week will be charged for in full, any over one week that have been registered will incur the registration fees from the awarding body.



           Training courses and costs

Chainsaw maintenance and crosscut  



The Basic 2 day package as required by HSE and PUWER.

This Course will give you an in depth knowledge of chainsaw maintenance and the basic skills to crosscut timber safely.

This unit is also a prerequisite for felling courses.

Group size 4


Duration 2 days + assessment day.


​£426inc    Course with 2 nights B&B £570inc

LANTRA 2 day maintenance and crosscut 

A two day Maintenance and x-cut course with integrated assessment

 Group size 4


£300inc    Course with  nights B&B £372inc

LANTRA 4 day maintenance X-cut & felling to 200mm


A 4 day chainsaw course aimed at the occasional tree feller suited to Landscapers, hedge layers, Maintenance personnel 

covering chainsaw maintenance, x-cutting and felling trees to 200mm with integrated assessment 

Group size 4


4 days duration


£480inc    Course with 3 nights B&B £696inc

​Chainsaw felling to 380mm


​A 3 day felling package for trees up to 380mm/15"

If you already hold the Maintenance and crosscut units this is a 3 day add on. It is also a prerequisite for saw work from rope and harness. 

Group size 4


Duration 3 days + assessment day.


£534inc    Course with 2 nights B&B £678inc
​Chainsaw Maintenance Crosscut and felling to 380mm



A 5 day maintenance crosscut and felling package for trees up to 380mm/15"

It is also a prerequisite for saw work from rope and harness. 

Group size 4


Duration 5 days + assessment day


 £780inc      Course with 4 nights B&B £1044inc 
Chainsaw felling 380mm to 760mm


Prerequisites Chainsaw maintenance, x-cut and felling to 380mm

​A 3 day felling package for trees up from 380mm - 760mm + 1 assessment day per 2 candidates

Group size 4


Duration 3 days + assessment day.




 £606inc   Course with 3 nights B&B £816inc 


Tree climbing and aerial rescue


​A 5 day course teaching you all the basics of tree climbing  and aerial rescue both regular and pole.

There are no prerequisites for this course except for a head for heights.

Group size 4


Duration 5 days + assessment day.

£726inc    Course with 4 nights B&B £990inc
Stationary Rope Work Position (SRWP) and rescue

Lantra Awards


A 3 day course and test teaching you all the basics of Stationary Rope Techniques (SRT) and aerial rescue both regular and pole. If you are climbing SRT at work you should hold this HSE recognised qualification, anyone without the qualification can not use Stationary rope techniques on other aerial courses.

Prerequisites for this are climbing and aerial rescue.

Group size 4


Duration 2 days + assessment day.



£456inc    Course with 2 nights B&B £600inc


Aerial tree cutting 


In this course we aim to give the novice climber the basic skills to carry out aerial tree cutting.

On completion the candidate will be able to carry out both hand held and free fall cuts to a good standard.

Group size 4


Duration 2 days + assessment day.

£462inc    Course with 2 nights B&B £606inc
Aerial Tree Pruning 


Aerial pruning courses are based over 2 days with an independent assessment on day 2.

We cover all pruning operations with a thin and reduction performed on the test.

Group size 4


Duration 1 day + assessment day.


£342inc   Course with  nights B&B £414inc 

Aerial tree rigging

​(old unit CS41, new unit 21-09)​

Dismantling will give you the skills to rope down horizontal and vertical tree sections using various rigging techniques and equipment.

Group size 4


Duration 3 days + assessment day.



​£606inc   Course with 3 nights B&B £816inc
Woodchipper Training â€‹

Wood chipper courses can be run with us or at your venue.

Group size 6


Duration 1 day



Stump Grinder



Stump Grinder courses can be run with us or at your venue.

Group size 6


Duration 1 day NPTC or Lantra Awards



£174inc NPTC or Lantra Awards

Brush Cutter


​Brush cutter courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 6


Duration 1 day NPTC or 2 day novice Lantra Awards



£174inc NPTC or £210inc Lantra Awards novice user

Clearing Saw 

Integrated assessment


Clearing saw courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 4


Duration 1 day NPTC or Lantra Awards



£174inc Lantra Awards or NPTC

Pole Saw 


Pole saw courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 4


Duration 1 day or 2 day Lantra Novice user (no previous chainsaw experience)


£174inc NPTC or or £210inc Lantra Awards novice user

Hedge Cutter

Lantra Integrated assessment


Hedge cutter courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 6


Duration 1 day




MEWP (Mobile elevated work platform)

Integrated assessment


Mobile elevated work platform courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 6


Duration 1 day


£174inc LANTRA AWARDS or NPTC   

Chainsaw from MEWP

​Chainsaw from Mobile elevated work platform courses can be run with us or at your venue.

​Group size 4


Duration 2 day, Independent test on day 2



£426inc NPTC   Course with 1 nights B&B £498inc 

Emergency First Aid at Work + F (EFAW+F) 



First aid can be run with us or at your venue.


Group size 10


Duration 1 day




Windblown Individual 
Prerequisites, Chainsaw Maintenance and x-cut 

independent assessment​

Individual windblown is severing of blown trees on the floor attached to a root plate, Prerequisites are Chainsaw maintenance and X-cutting.

Group size 4


1 days training and 1 day independent test.



£342inc  Course with 1 nights B&B £414inc 

Windblown Multiple
Prerequisites, Chainsaw Maintenance, x-cut, felling from 380mm to 760mm

independent assessment

​​Multiple Windblown deals with Blown trees with root plates, partial blown, snapped and hanging tops( A Frame), standing stems and stacked trees.

Group size 4


2 days Training and 1 day independent test


£558inc    Course with 2 nights B&B £702inc

Assisted Fell

Rope and winch assisted felling techniques 

prerequisites chainsaw maintenance, x-cut and felling to 380mm

Group size 4


2 days Training and 1 day independent test


£558   Course with 2 nights B&B £702inc

ATV  Sit astride

This course is for anyone ridding a sit astride ATV in the work place.

Group size 3


1 days training with integrated test.




ATV Sit in

This course is for anyone ridding a sit in ATV in the work place.

Group size 3


1 days training with integrated test.






This course is for anyone driving off road in the work place.

Group size 3


1 days training with integrated test.



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